Afghan University of Medical Science

Since December 2022, the de-facto authorities in Afghanistan have implemented a nationwide ban on universities for women. Furthermore, girls are prohibited visiting educational institutions from 6th grade upwards. Our Swiss-Afghan initiative – in collaboration with Afghan Women Support (AWS) - aims to provide medical education to female Afghan medical and dentistry students. This initiative was founded by Afghan medical doctors who were deeply concerned about the future of female medical students in Afghanistan. Our team has a diverse background and is committed to promoting medical education for Afghan women.

"We understand the importance of education
and its role in creating a better future for Afghanistan."

Our team includes experts in various fields of medicine, including surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, dental medicine and internal medicine. We believe that every woman has the right to pursue her education and achieve her dreams. Through our program, we hope to empower female medical students in Afghanistan and provide them with the resources they need to succeed. 

Our project

We enable female medical students in Afghanistan to continue their studies by providing online courses to a pool of approximately 3,500 female medical students in Afghanistan. Theoretical content is currently taught online by doctors and students using Zoom. The practical teaching takes place in the private practices of the participating doctors in Afghanistan, as well as in three former clinics in Kabul that we have rented privately. Out of a pool of more than 3,500 medical students, around 500 are currently taking part in the online classes on a regular basis. Unfortunately, due to a lack of technical equipment and internet quality, no more female students can currently benefit from our programme. Our international team, which is constantly growing, currently consists of more than 300 doctors abroad and about 100 doctors in Kabul (see attached media reports, Through a combination of online theory and on-the-job training, we have been able to attract renowned universities and private companies as partners and advisors, who are currently working with us on a concept for the accreditation of a hybrid university.


Given the current ban, we believe that this theoretical and practical education program will not only provide valuable training to the female students, but will also have a positive long-term impact on the systemic health sector in seven key ways:

  • first and foremost, it will ensure that the women and girls concerned are aware that we care about them. They are reminded that as aspiring female doctors, they cannot be erased from social life. Thus, we want to give them a perspective

  • to improve the quality of health care in Afghanistan in the long term: by giving female students access to quality education, we will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to become competent health professionals. This will in turn lead to better health care being provided to the Afghan population.

  • fostering collaboration between doctors of Afghanistan and around the world: by providing access to quality training, Afghan female medical students can connect with doctors around the world who are part of our faculty team.

  • promote gender equality in the health sector: As female students receive the same quality education as their male counterparts, we are breaking down barriers and promoting gender equality in health as much as possible from outside Afghanistan.

  • improving accessibility to health services: by training a new generation of health workers, we are increasing the availability of health services in remote and underserved areas and improving access to health care for all Afghans.

  • boosting the economy through a well-educated and trained health workforce, which will lead to more job opportunities and economic growth.

  •  our joint effort will lead to some degree of policy change in Afghanistan by supporting female medical students who will be the next generation of health workers in Afghanistan, thus changing perceptions about women in society.

Our Heartfelt Thanks to the Maiores Foundation

On behalf of  Afghan University of Medical Science and those we serve, we extend our deepest gratitude to the Maiores Foundation for their generous donation. This significant contribution has been instrumental in advancing the medical aspect of our projects, bringing essential health services to communities in need.

The Maiores Foundation’s support not only enhances our capabilities to provide care but also embodies a profound commitment to making a positive impact on lives. Their generosity fuels our ongoing efforts to improve health outcomes and offers hope to those we aid.

We are profoundly grateful for the Maiores Foundation's trust and support, inspiring us to continue our mission with renewed vigor. Together, we are creating a brighter future for those who rely on our assistance.

Thank you, Maiores Foundation, for standing with us in this vital work.